Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reflections on the Arts Funding Group...

I am more than pleased with my group so far. Normally, you have to gauge whether there are members in your group that might let you down in terms of holding up their end of the work load but I could tell from the start that everyone in the group had their own reasons for picking Arts Funding and that meant that they were personally invested. My expectations for group process are that we can maintain the healthy level of inclusive discussion and effective revision of our idea strain. Not out of the norm, I would hope that our ability to accomplish the task falls nothing short of our best work. I have already experienced the differences between my approach to a paper like this as a theatre major as opposed to other possibly more "academic" majors. In general I take a very organic approach to all my writing and have trouble integrating the more academic structural elements so I am excited to have such-minded people in the group to help keep this on track. Likewise, as I am someone pursuing a career as an artist, I am interested to work with peers who have an exclusively audience-based understanding of at least my specific field.

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