Saturday, September 11, 2010

Group Expectations

It was interesting because at our first group meeting my group got along really well. - Our meeting was productive and from my point of view I think we will really be able to explore the issues we are studying effectively and all have the opportunity to see them in a new light. Still, right before we left the meeting, we were talking and all admitted how much we dislike group work! We kind of laughed about it but I think it is true that many people really don’t like that loss of control and independence, especially in our culture, where individualism and independence are so valued.

Nevertheless, I except that our group will get along well and be able to produce a successful project. We are all interested in the subject we are studying and willing to make small personal sacrifices for the good of the group. Also I feel that we all communicate very well and want to make an effort to keep communication open throughout the semester, so that’s a huge factor. I think that there will be some disparity about how different members of the group view issues academically, which I think is a really positive thing because it will allow us all to challenge the way we see things and to have to truly consider why we feel that way.

At this point I don’t really have a feel for the exact personalities in our group. I feel like we haven’t quite “warmed up to” one another enough for those to emerge, so it’s difficult to predict the effects they will have. I know that I personally tend to be a bit reserved until I get comfortable with the other group members, and its possible that they feel the same way. One thing I do know is that we are all very busy, which will probably make it challenging to meet together as a group sometimes, but we chose a permanent meeting time for the semester, so hopefully everyone can keep that time free each week in case we need to meet.

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