Sunday, September 5, 2010

Conflict For Me

In my life right now, I feel that conflict is very present just under the surface. I feel kind of on edge about the whole thing, and the fact that I am actively avoiding it is only making the tension worse. I know that I will need to confront all the conflicts, both internal and external, soon, for my own health and the health of the relationships with others in my life. I think I feel this way because a lot of the conflicts in my life right now feel important, like whether or not and how I confront them can have a legitimate impact on my future, and on the long-term status of my relationships with others. I think these conflicts also weigh heavily on my mind because I feel somewhat powerless in the situations.

Not all the conflicts in my life matter on the level that they need to be confronted, though. You know the saying “you have to choose your battles?” Well, I think that’s very true when I think about the conflict in my own life. Does it matter that my roommate ate my banana? I mean, I was a little upset at the time, but looking back I’m glad I didn’t say a word about it. Sometimes with little things like that confronting it in itself creates more unnecessary conflict than its worth. I think its important to recognize when you may just be overreacting, or when its good just to yield to someone else, recognizing that there are also occasions when they do the same for you. It’s a balance of sorts.

This semester I want to learn different methods for handling conflict, including how people may naturally deal with conflict, and how we can either accommodate these methods or coax them (and ourselves!) into more healthy conflict skills. I also want to get a better handle on the stages of conflict, and on the best times, places, and ways to intervene.

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