Thursday, September 2, 2010

Conflict Is Just Like Baseball

Conflict for me is like playing sports. You find yourself being pushed and you continuously try to come out on top. No matter how well you play; you may still lose the game. Sometimes you have people by your side helping you achieve your goal, but you always find yourself on the opposite side of another person. Some conflicts can last months or years; others may last just hours. You can even view yourself as a fan who watches their team succeed every year, but it’s important to note that another person continues to watch their team disappoint them year in and year out. I think for me, relating conflict to sports is easy because I am very athletic and love competition. For me baseball is my preferred sport. It makes the perfect metaphor for conflict. Baseball is a sport that, when in season, is played almost every day. If you relate that to conflicts you can notice we are often faced with a conflict day in and day out. The reason a team is successful is largely due to the teamwork aspect they continuously demonstrate on the field. I’m a firm believer in allowing other people in and helping me with issues or conflicts I am faced with. Due to this, these conflicts are usually taken care of quickly and effectively.

1 comment:

  1. nice -- is your conflict seasonal like the sport? or do you have training camps, etc. that keep you busy all year long? do you train or have natural talent or some of both? do you ever coach or just play?
