Thursday, September 2, 2010

Conflict for me is like...

Conflict for me is like a sport, in particular horse riding. Ive ridden for many years, so as a generalisation, i feel very comfortable on a horse, it's something i can do to switch off and get away from. Cconflict can sometimes been seen like this, as when an argument gets heated for example, my thought process is disturbed, and everything in normal everyday life, seems to disappear. In order for me to be successful in horse riding, there must be a strong bond or connection with horse and rider. In relation to conflict, i think the outcome is often reflective on the relationship between the people participating in the situation. Nonetheless when asked to compete on someone else's horse, i almost always fall into my safely net. For example, i wouldn't try and push the same buttons as i would say my own horse, there is a process which needs to be followed. sometimes i see horse riding as a great way to escape the norms of every day life, to me its a very personable sport. This is reflective of conflict in my life, as i prefer conflict to be kept personable and behind close doors. normally conflict occurs within my closest relationships as i dislike my personal matters to be public. However with horse riding, i also enjoy teaching and helping others when they have problems. This also can be reflective of conflict in my life, I've often had to mediate situations.

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