Friday, October 8, 2010

Personal Patterns of Micro Theory...

Most prevalently, I see my conflicts following the model of Curle's Sliding Scale. This is mainly because my resolution efforts are usually very fluid pertaining to the environment I am addressing the conflict in. I also like to be very clear about what mode the resolution is in and this lends itself well to the four very clear categories in Curle's theory. I also agree with Lederach's idea of Episode vs Epicenter. To me, this is really getting at resolving a conflict as opposed to just dealing with a crisis situation. If an epicenter is properly addressed, this should prevent a relapse as is allowed for in Kriesberg. While the above explanations are all true for my own perception of conflict, they are theoretical conceptions and in reality my conflicts often fall into patterns of miscommunication and establishing effective communication becomes the conflict in the forefront.

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