Monday, October 11, 2010

Interpersonal Conflicts...

When dealing with my own personal conflicts I do tend to see a pattern. It seems that the majority of the conflicts in my life, no matter the severity of the conflict, they all take place in an interpersonal setting. Meaning it is always between me and one other person. I am rare for group conflicts or any other type. Knowing that my personal conflicts are mostly focused on an interpersonal level, I can begin to search for what causes these problems and why this pattern is occurring. When analyzing my interpersonal conflicts I decided to apply the theory of basic human needs. I applied this method of thinking because I realized that all of my conflicts that occur between another individual are largely focused on one of us not receiving what we expect from the other. I also noticed that because my needs that I had come to expect were not being met, I was doing what was in my power to achieve these needs, no matter the cost (sometimes a friendship).

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