Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Conflict Style: Hybrid

According to the quiz we took in class, my own personal conflict style is collaboration, followed very closely by accommodation. The only style I scored especially low on is dominating. Reflecting on these results and thinking about my personal conflict experiences, I think that my conflict style varies significantly based on the type of conflict, the context, and the other parties. I would agree that I typically try to be assertive but also cooperative in conflict. I think it is important to meet everyone’s needs while still advocating for my own, and preserve relationships through sustainable solutions. If I am in a hurry or a compromise is obvious and seems fair to everyone, I will sometimes compromise instead of collaborating. I am accommodating in that I try to think of the good of the group and the others involved and I really do think emotions have an important role to play. I do find conflict stressful and I used to avoid it a lot more often than I do now. Sometimes I still practice avoidance when the conflict is about something that I don’t really care about. Often I will handle conflicts with avoidance initially, until I have more information to decide whether engaging is really worth the effort and energy. Even though I scored very lowly on the competing scale, on occasion I can be more aggressive in conflicts with family or others I know very well, especially if I have tried other methods of managing the conflict and failed.

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